Fish Tagging Equipment Helps Cortez Water Managers Look Forward | LOR Foundation
In-Progress Water

Fish Tagging Equipment Helps Cortez Water Managers Look Forward

  • Local Champion: Mancos Conservation District
  • Date Funded: June 28, 2024
  • Grant Amount: $9,400

Long-term drought and climate change are decreasing flow in the Mancos River outside of Cortez. As water levels have dropped, native fish have found their way into the local irrigation system instead of staying in the river, a problem for both the fish and for farmers and ranchers who rely on the water. To find answers, the Mancos Conservation District received a state grant to install antennas to monitor fish movement in the Mancos River watershed. But the grant didn’t include funding to tag and sample fish, holding up the project. Hoping to get the research up and running, staff reached out to LOR for support. LOR’s funding will help the Mancos Conservation District purchase 500 tags, a handheld tag reader, and DNA analysis for 40 fish samples. Local managers will use the equipment to better understand fish migration patterns so that restoration projects can be prioritized to protect and enhance the Mancos River watershed.

Contact our community officer in Cortez. Meet Nicci Crowley
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