A New Outdoor Space Gives Families a Chance to Learn and Grow Together | LOR Foundation
In-Progress Education

A New Outdoor Space Gives Families a Chance to Learn and Grow Together

  • Local Champion: Families in Partnership Inc
  • Date Funded: October 23, 2023
  • Grant Amount: $28,500

Libby will soon have new Family Resource Center where children and adults can engage and learn in a safe space, but the outdoor space is not useable. It’s full of uneven mounds, with a three-foot drop between the edge of the fence and the side of the building, and harsh, thorny weeds have taken over the landscape. Staff at Families in Partnership, which will operate the Family Resource Center, knew that creating a functional outdoor space would provide them with a communal area that they could use for classes and events. (Studies show that families who are used to playing outdoors are more likely to try new activities, engage with others, and solve problems.) LOR’s funding will cover the cost of some of the landscaping and construction work required to transform the space into one that promotes curiosity, creativity and critical thinking through family activities.

Contact our community officer in Libby. Meet Tabitha Viergutz
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