Taos Reaches for Economic Stars With a New Youth Space Program | LOR Foundation
In-Progress Education

Taos Reaches for Economic Stars With a New Youth Space Program

  • Local Champion: STEMarts Lab
  • Date Funded: September 20, 2023
  • Grant Amount: $25,000

The economic prospects for the space industry are projected to exceed $3 trillion by 2040. However, the lack of accessible STEM programs that develop space literacy, especially in Taos, limit opportunities for Taos youth to take advantage of this growing sector. Staff at the Taos STEMarts Lab came up with a potential solution to help bridge the gap: Launch a space program Taos young adults ages 14 to 29 that allows them to connect with experts and introduce career pathways in the space industry. The program—Space for Earth, Space for All—would partner with New Mexico Space Valley Coalition (a statewide coalition of public and private entities focused on accelerating the growth of the space industry in New Mexico), Q Station (a space industry incubator), and S-STEM Center-UNM Taos Observatory (which houses a Dobsonian telescope that allows users to see Virgo Cluster, 65 million light-years away, the center of the Milky Way, and a black hole) to ensure access to training, research and experts in the field. STEMLab just needed a little help getting it off the ground, so reached out to LOR. LOR’s funding will support the procurement of equipment, curriculum development, and the cost of participation for several Taos youth.

Contact our community officer in Taos. Meet Sonya Struck
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