Health | LOR Foundation


Solutions and stories related to bolstering quality healthcare, preventative care resources, and local initiatives that support healthy lifestyles.

Solution Crisis Response Pilot Program Addresses Health Disparities in Cortez
Local Champion:
Montezuma County
Date funded:
December 29, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Wyoming Climbers Use Education to Reduce Human Waste at Crags
Local Champion:
Central Wyoming Climbers' Alliance
Date funded:
December 17, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Lander Launches a Free Medical Clinic to Serve the Uninsured
Local Champion:
Lander Free Medical Clinic
Date funded:
December 16, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Gym Equipment and Training Programs Improve Outcomes for Taos Student Athletes
Local Champion:
Taos High School
Date funded:
December 10, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution A Simple Storage Solution Helps Lander Hospice Patients Receive Free Equipment
Local Champion:
Anam Cara Giving
Date funded:
November 5, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Taos High School Eases Pandemic-Related Stress for Teachers With Recharge Rooms
Local Champion:
Taos High School
Date funded:
September 24, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Dōjō in Lander Meets Increased Demand for Low-Cost Martials Arts Instruction
Local Champion:
Wind River Dōjō
Date funded:
September 1, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Cortez’s Southside Garden Grows Greens and Community
Local Champion:
Good Samaritan Center
Date funded:
July 23, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution P.E. Teachers and Cycling Club Bring Mountain Biking to Lander Youth
Local Champion:
Lander Cycling Club
Date funded:
June 21, 2021
Grant Amount:
Story Fighting Food Insecurity in Fremont County

Lander’s pilot Speedgoat Market connects consumers to producers—and has opened the door to countywide expansion through a potential $400,000 USDA grant. 

Share a Solution

If you have a solution for improving quality of life in Cortez or Monte Vista, Colorado; Lander, Wyoming; Libby, Montana; Questa or Taos, New Mexico; or Weiser, Idaho, use this form to start a conversation with us.

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