A Vet-Led Program Helps Address Lander’s Feral Cat Problem | LOR Foundation

A Vet-Led Program Helps Address Lander’s Feral Cat Problem

Lander veterinarian Lannie Hamilton knew spay and neuter programs could reduce feral cat populations by as much as 99 percent—she just needed a little LOR help to get started.


Photo by Kirk Rasmussen

Lander, Wyoming, veterinarian Lannie Hamilton is a cloud chaser—as in Cloud, the feral cat. Cloud is one of the hundreds of feral cats that in 2021 had become a problem for Lander: Not only do the cats carry diseases that present a risk to people, their suffering—from malnourishment, illness, fighting, etc.—is painful for local residents and businesses to witness. Hamilton knew that trap-spay-neuter programs could help reduce feral cat populations and keep the kitties healthier, so she worked with other community members to form Lander Spay and Neuter. With a little support from the LOR Foundation for equipment, the team has already provided some relief to residents and cats alike. See how (and meet Cloud) in the video.

Filmed and edited by Kirk Rasmussen, Topographic Media.

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