A Community Cistern Restores Water for Students at Battle Rock Charter School | LOR Foundation

A Community Cistern Restores Water for Students at Battle Rock Charter School

After contamination left kids unable to drink or wash their hands at the Cortez school, one teacher rallied to keep the water flowing.


Photo by Matthew Tangeman

When Battle Rock Charter School discovered its well was contaminated, students, teachers, and staff lost their sole source of water for drinking and hand-washing. Unable to drill a new well, the school had few options to remedy the problem. Battle Rock teacher Tegan Lewis approached the LOR Foundation with a potential solution: purchase and install a cistern that could be used by the school, as well as visitors to campus including cyclists pedaling through nearby McElmo Canyon and Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. With help from LOR, Battle Rock installed a new cistern that is keeping students, teachers, and the broader community hydrated. Learn more about the project in the short video below.


Filmed and edited by Matthew Tangeman

Cortez Community Officer

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Cortez Community Officer

Nicci Crowley

Nicci prides herself on being a connector of people and ideas—a trait that’s central to her work as the LOR Foundation’s community officer in Cortez, Colorado. She listens to community members to understand the challenges they collectively face and then… Meet Nicci

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