Environment | LOR Foundation


Solutions and stories that connect communities with the natural environment and working lands.

Solution A New Club Helps Cortez Kids Hit the Slopes
Local Champion:
School Community Youth Collaborative
Date funded:
November 28, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution A New Pavilion Makes Cortez-Area Trails More Inviting
Local Champion:
Mancos Trails Group
Date funded:
November 28, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Taos Volunteers Fill a Needed Gap with a Fall Downtown Clean-Up
Local Champion:
Downtown Taos
Date funded:
September 14, 2022
Grant Amount:
Story One Local Resident Helps Cortez Move Beyond Single-Use Plastics

When Laura Herrick realized how many plastic bags were being used in Cortez, she devised a plan to reduce the number by at least half, with a little help from LOR.

Solution A Free River Camp Connects Cortez Youth to the Outdoors—and Builds Relationships
Local Champion:
Dolores River Boating Advocates
Date funded:
May 6, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Taos’ Tree Board Returns Shade to a Downtown Park by Planting Native Trees
Local Champion:
Taos Tree Board
Date funded:
April 28, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Wildlife Fencing Protects Crops in Cortez From Deer and Elk
Local Champion:
Montezuma Land Conservancy
Date funded:
March 25, 2022
Grant Amount:
Story A Vet-Led Program Helps Address Lander’s Feral Cat Problem

Lander veterinarian Lannie Hamilton knew spay and neuter programs could reduce feral cat populations by as much as 99 percent—she just needed a little LOR help to get started.

Solution Technology Improves Access to Mountain Biking for Cortez Youth
Local Champion:
High Desert DEVO
Date funded:
December 17, 2021
Grant Amount:
Story Training the Next Generation of Farmers at Central Wyoming College

Responding to a statewide decline in the number of farms, CWC's farm incubator program equips young and developing farmers with the skills they’ll need to succeed.

Share a Solution

If you have a solution for improving quality of life in Cortez or Monte Vista, Colorado; Lander, Wyoming; Libby, Montana; Questa or Taos, New Mexico; or Weiser, Idaho, use this form to start a conversation with us.

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