Colorado | LOR Foundation


Solutions and stories in the Centennial State.

Solution Cortez Community Members Buoy Educators’ Spirits With a Thank-You Lunch
Local Champion:
Cortez Teacher Appreciation Committee
Date funded:
April 18, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Cortez Cultural Center Helps Local Artists Reach New Customers With E-Commerce
Local Champion:
Cortez Cultural Center
Date funded:
March 25, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Wildlife Fencing Protects Crops in Cortez From Deer and Elk
Local Champion:
Montezuma Land Conservancy
Date funded:
March 25, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Southwest Open School Installs a Greenhouse That Supports Year-Long Growing
Local Champion:
Needful Provisions Inc. and Southwest Open School
Date funded:
March 24, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Cortez’s New Swim Blocks Provide an Economic Boon
Local Champion:
Cortez Water Dragons
Date funded:
March 23, 2022
Grant Amount:
Story Cortez’s Southside Garden Grows Greens and Community

The new community garden's 11 plots, supported with funding from LOR, will be ready for planting this spring.

Solution A New Cortez Business Center Provides Affordable Coworking and Office Space
Local Champion:
Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce
Date funded:
January 14, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Crisis Response Pilot Program Addresses Health Disparities in Cortez
Local Champion:
Montezuma County
Date funded:
December 29, 2021
Grant Amount:
Solution Technology Improves Access to Mountain Biking for Cortez Youth
Local Champion:
High Desert DEVO
Date funded:
December 17, 2021
Grant Amount:
Story A New Bike Tech Training Program Comes to Cortez

All that Cortez's Southwest Open School needed to launch its new bike mechanic program was a shop. That's where LOR came in.

Share a Solution

If you have a solution for improving quality of life in Cortez or Monte Vista, Colorado; Lander, Wyoming; Libby, Montana; Questa or Taos, New Mexico; or Weiser, Idaho, use this form to start a conversation with us.

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