Colorado | LOR Foundation


Solutions and stories in the Centennial State.

Solution Cortez Residents Put Their Money Where Their Ideas Are With Improvement Fund
Local Champion:
Cortez locals
Date funded:
June 24, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Classwork Displays Help Cortez Residents Engage With the Schools
Local Champion:
Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1
Date funded:
June 12, 2022
Grant Amount:
Story One Local Resident Helps Cortez Move Beyond Single-Use Plastics

When Laura Herrick realized how many plastic bags were being used in Cortez, she devised a plan to reduce the number by at least half, with a little help from LOR.

Solution An Educational Garden at Battle Rock Charter School Connects Students to Local Growing
Local Champion:
Battle Rock Charter School
Date funded:
May 25, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Transportation Vouchers Help Montezuma County Residents Reach Medical Appointments
Local Champion:
Axis Health System
Date funded:
May 24, 2022
Grant Amount:
Story Cortez Restores an Essential Community Gathering Space

Nearly a quarter century after it first opened, the Lewis-Arriola Community Center needed a little love to remain an essential community asset. With a little help from the LOR and others, the volunteer-run gathering space is ready for the next generation of celebrants.

Solution A Free River Camp Connects Cortez Youth to the Outdoors—and Builds Relationships
Local Champion:
Dolores River Boating Advocates
Date funded:
May 6, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Cortez Residents Fill a Gaping Need for Summer Activities for Kids
Local Champion:
Cortez community members
Date funded:
April 29, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Kemper Elementary Adds Water Fountains to Keep Students Hydrated and Learning
Local Champion:
Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1
Date funded:
April 22, 2022
Grant Amount:
Solution Montezuma County Aims to Improve Staff Wellness With a Step Challenge
Local Champion:
Montezuma County
Date funded:
April 18, 2022
Grant Amount:

Share a Solution

If you have a solution for improving quality of life in Cortez or Monte Vista, Colorado; Lander, Wyoming; Libby, Montana; Questa or Taos, New Mexico; or Weiser, Idaho, use this form to start a conversation with us.

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